Redeemed To Live For Christ
Redeemed To Live For Christ

Inmates of the Cross Ministries is a network of former inmates now living new lifestyles in Christ Jesus. We are a people that can identify with the reality of being incarcerated and spending time behind prison walls and inside county jails.
We have been delivered from the power of darkness and conveyed into God’s marvelous light. Our new lives shine as a beacon of light throughout our communities as evidence of a redeemed people.
We are a people that have found out the truth and that is, God never intended for us to live the type of lifestyle that landed us into jails and prisons.
Therefore, it is our desire to be a voice to those which are still incarcerated, their loved ones, and to the world that Jesus Christ has the power to change anyone for the good.
It is our prayer that people will see and believe of what Jesus Christ has done with our lives, how He saved us and completely restored our life, so that faith in Christ would increase for them and in the lives of others.