First of all, we would like to give thanks to the God of all creation and Jesus Christ our Savior, our Lord, our Brother and our Friend. Considering that, our storyline began when Brother Dennis Reid was incarcerated in the Florida Department of Corrections in 1996.
He was due to be released in 6 months when He heard God say to him, “I am sending you back to those same jails and prisons and you are to give to them the same thing that was given to you, “The love of God.” you tell them, I love them.
After this encounter and assignment from God, Dennis believed in the commission of God for his life. Due to his current job position in the prison, as the Chaplain’s orderly he had the authority and access of ordering various Christian teaching materials, videos and spiritual books for the Chaplain’s office.
Therefore, Dennis used this liberty to listen and learn about jail and prison ministry along with biblical studies for 2 hours daily, 5 days per week for 2 years. Inmates of the Cross Ministries (IOC) became active in the jails and prisons in Central Florida and surrounding counties in year 2002 with preaching and teaching of the kingdom of God.
We went forth sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with men and women who desperately needed to be changed by the Gospel. Countless men and women were healed and restored back to health, along with their families.
Therefore, we are “People of a New Identity” trophies of God’s grace. If there’s one thing that we can say to the world it is, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” In the year 2007, by God’s grace, Inmates of the Cross Ministries became a Florida registered 501c3 charitable organization.
Pray that God will continue to do great things in the lives of these men and women and that we would experience great things towards the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Our collective vocation scripture is as follows, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord, because they call you an outcast…” Jeremiah 30: 17.
As we continue to labor for Christ Jesus, let this be known, “This is an eternal offering, not only in the men and women who are involved with Inmates of the Cross Ministries, but in the countless souls that will be saved as the Gospel of Jesus Christ advances.”