Lifting Up Christ to the Glory of God.
“Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!”
Ron Heaton
My name is Ron Heaton. I am 56 years old. I was born and raised here in Orlando, Florida. I have been arrested approximately 11 times. I was convicted for crimes such as grand theft auto, DUI, driving on a suspended license, and violation of probation.
I was saved at the age of 13 years old but, did not become close to God till my days in jail. I read the bible for first time in jail, I learned how to pray in jail, and learned how to trust in the Lord in jail…
Ron Heaton

I was saved at the age of 13 years old but, did not become close to God till my days in jail. I read the bible for first time in jail, I learned how to pray in jail, and learned how to trust in the Lord in jail. They say “Your past is what makes you what you are”. If it were not for my days in jail, I would not be as close to God as I am today. I don’t look at being in jail as bad thing for myself. Every time that I have been to jail, I have learned more and become closer to God.
I joined the U.S. Navy when I was 32 years old which is a miracle in itself. I knew that you could not join the Navy with felonies on your record. The recruiter even told me so. I thought to myself that if God wanted me in the Navy then He would make the way. The recruiter called me and told me “Mr. Heaton, I don’t know how you made it but, you are in”!
I served 5 years in the Navy. The last year was in Iraq at the border of Syria. It was a particularly dangerous place to be at the time. One day as I looked around the desert, I was talking with God. I told God “If I make it out of here alive then I will spend the rest of my life serving Him”! God saved my life and others around me right before my eyes many times.
When I got home, I felt a strong tug on my heart to go to college. I thought to myself “how can I do or afford that”? I ask around and looked on the internet for seminary schools in Orlando but, did not find any. I decided to move to Melbourne, Florida to live near the beach. The home I moved to was in walking distance from a church that I could attend. I did not have a car or driver’s license at the time. I still felt the tugging on my heart to go to college. I asked the pastor if he knew of a school that I could go to in Melbourne and he told that their church was connected with Life Christian University and that I could attend there. Another miracle in my life! I attended for two years and got an associate’s degree in Theology. God is amazing!
Now I am living a dream come true in my life working alongside with Dennis Reid. Inmates of the Cross is a program truly dedicated to helping people get on and stay on the right path with God and a new life.
Brothers and Sisters, I believe, for myself that I have to have faith and trust in God.” You can’t find your future in your past”! I have learned from my mistakes and life experiences to move forward with the Lord. Staying close to God, staying involved in church, people that will help me and programs such as Inmates of the Cross Ministries is how I keep my life positive and moving forward.
If you wish to ask me about life or experiences, please just ask. I would love to share them with you.
George A. Durant
My name is George A Durant. I crossed the nine month sea of birth and landed on the shores of St. Petersburg, FL in January, in the year of our Lord 1960 to be precise. I was raised in Florida and South Carolina. I was arrested over 40 times and was imprisoned in the penitentiary 6 times.
I have been convicted and sentenced for crimes such as burglary, possession of cocaine, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, violation of probation, grand theft auto…
George A. Durant

I have been convicted and sentenced for crimes such as burglary, possession of cocaine, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, violation of probation, grand theft auto, petty theft, and driving on suspended license. I was raised in the church. Church every Sunday, sometimes 3 times on Sunday! I said to myself one day “when I get big I’m not going to church.”
When my adoptive parents died I stopped going to church. However, as fate would have it, I would go to South Carolina for summer vacation almost every year. My grandfather (George Butler Sr.) was a preacher. His three brothers were preachers. One of his sons was a preacher. I was twelve years old when my grandfather asked me the question that would cause me to be utterly perplexed for years to come.
He asked me “who had a father but no mother.” Years later the Holy Spirit gave me the revelation to (of) my grandfather’s question. The answer was Christ. My teenage years were spent as a juvenile delinquent. I was an A/B student, but still full of toxic shame and guilt. I had been abused, mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually. I was a very angry and wounded child. I dropped out of school; my mother found out and moved the family to South Carolina. I was a basketball standout and made the basketball team with ease.
I had to wait until the next year to play. I was going to be the star because the present star (my best friend) would be gone off to college. On April 9, 1980, I got into a fight at the local gym. The skin of the entire left side of my face was removed when my face slid down the red bricks of the gym’s outside wall. My mother made me promise I would not seek revenge. However, I went to school the next morning with my father’s switchblade in my pocket. I arrived on campus to surprisingly see that his brothers (one of the guys I fought the previous night) accompanied him to school.
I proceeded to start a fight with them, stabbing my victim repeatedly. I was arrested on campus and went to jail. Because my family was prominent in the community, I was sentenced to five years in the South Carolina Department of Corrections. All colleges withdrew interest. In prison my institution won the start basketball championship. Morris College offered me a scholarship if I could pay for my first semester.
I did not go to Morris College; I chose to come back to Florida in 1982. My old friends had cars and money. I joined them in crime and vanity. In 1996, I had been to prison 3 times. In 1995 I accepted the Lord at Brooksville Prison in Brooksville, FL. I came home and began to study God’s word. In 2003 after backsliding, I broke my neck after falling 3 ½ stories off a building while working. I recovered by the miracle working power of the Most High God.
After being married, I was divorced in 2009 from my first wife and my second wife divorced me in 2019. I went through decades of drug addiction, sin, suffering, and rebellion against God’s will for my life. At the end of 2019 I stopped using all mind-altering chemicals and totally surrendered to the Most High God. In 2020 (July) I moved from Melbourne, FL to Tampa, FL. God has truly been patient, loving and slow to anger with me.
The most important decision I have made is to be obedient to God’s work without compromise. God has revealed to me that service to Him by serving humanity pleases Him greatly. Being obedient to God’s will fosters quality living and a high-quality witness. I am endeavoring to serve those who are broken, lost, blind, and bound.
A life of right activity (following the guidance of the Holy Spirit) leads to a position of power. That position is moment by moment fellowship with my heavenly Father. In 1995 the mentorship of Brother Dennis Reid was an encouragement in my life. I told him we would do great ministry together one day.
God has reunited us (Now Chaplain Dennis Reid) as co-laborers with Christ, according to our heavenly Father’s will towards the salvation work of Christ.
I now live to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”
God Bless You All,
Bro. George A. Durant
Ramon Maysonet
My name is Ramon Maysonet. I was born in Bayamón City, Puerto Rico and since my childhood I was raised in a dysfunctional home where my mother was a victim of domestic violence because of my father’s drug trafficking and use.
My mother, who was a Christian and served the Lord, taught my brothers and I to seek from the Lord; but I, as the eldest, wanted to be like my father and preferred to follow his example…
Ramon Maysonet

My name is Ramon Maysonet. I was born in Bayamón City, Puerto Rico and since my childhood I was raised in a dysfunctional home where my mother was a victim of domestic violence because of my father’s drug trafficking and use.
My mother, who was a Christian and served the Lord, taught my brothers and I to seek from the Lord; but I, as the eldest, wanted to be like my father and preferred to follow his example.
At the age of 14, I started selling and using drugs committing many crimes… As time passed, I got worse because I didn’t listen to anyone’s advice, including my mother’s advice. I loved the taste of street life and at the age of 16 I left my home.
Five months later, I went to prison where I got my first sentence of 12 years. I suffered much the consequences of my evil deeds, but it was in prison that I met the Lord as I sought him in spirit and in truth (John 4: 23-24). I baptized myself in the waters; God filled me with his Holy Spirit and gave me the gift of speaking in other tongues.
In the year 1991, the Lord allowed me to leave prison on parole, and immediately I came out, the enemy began to give me many things, for he knows our weaknesses. I gave in to temptation and turned from the way of the Lord; forgetting all that God had done for me. I sank into an atmosphere worse than the first, fulfilling the Word of God that says, “When the unclean spirit comes out of man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest; and not finding him, he says: I will return to my house where I came from. And when it arrives, he finds it swept and decorated. Then he goes, and takes seven other spirits worse than him; and entered, they dwell there; and the final state of that man comes to be worse than the first.” (Luke 11:24-26). I turned my back to God and began to rape his commandments (Exodus 20:17), to the extreme that I became a drug user and distributor.
Because of his bad steps, my father was killed; I was one of the first to see him when he was pulled out of the dead and bloody wagon, and I said, “Man, see you in hell.” But God had a different plan for me since His Word says,”I live, say the Lord, which I do not want the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn from your wicked ways;” (Ezekiel 33: 11). I placed my trust in firearms and lost respect to human life. The only thought that crossed my mind was to get revenge, without thinking about anyone’s suffering; I didn’t even remember that God existed.
The reason I suffered so much the death of my father, was because I thought he was killed because of me, but then I realized that it was not, because the Word of God says, ” Parents will not die for the children, nor the children for the fathers; each one will die for his sin. (Deuteronomy 24: 16).
I was heading towards the cliff, no desire to change and I didn’t care what might happen to me, but God, in his infinite mercy, was keeping me as He had a great purpose with me.
I moved from Puerto Rico to Florida, United States to try to start a new life; but since I did not count on God in my plans, I fell into the same lifestyle and the worst of all is that those who suffered were my wife and children.
It is truly a disaster to try to live life without Christ, His word says: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it in abundance.” (John 10: 10).
Although we are children of God, if we decide to live our own way, we open a door to Satan to destroy us, for with our actions we turn our backs on God’s protection (Psalm 34: 7).
For not allowing the Lord to be the one who will change my life, I wasted more than 14 years between prisons and rehab homes.
Friend, that change you need in your life you will not make it with your own efforts, you will only see it when you allow the Lord to be the King and Lord of your life!
If you are tired of sin and wickedness, you will only see that real and true change you crave so much when the Lord takes control of your heart.
Last time I was jailed, I thought I would have no more opportunities as I had many times rejected the Lord’s call and had not seized any of the above opportunities. I knew I had to pay the consequences for being disobedient, for the Bible says, “Since it is not executed then sentencing on evil deed, the hearts of the children of men is in them ready to do evil.” (Ecclesiastes 8: 11).
“For man does not know his time either; like fish that are prisoners in the evil net, and as birds that are entangled in bow, so are the children of men in bad time , when it suddenly falls upon them.” (Ecclesiastes 9: 12). The reason why it was difficult for me to return to the Lord was because every time I was imprisoned I sought God, I made promises to him and after He helped me I turn my back again.
Sometimes when we get in trouble, it’s that we cry out to the Lord and promise him, but God knows everything and He knows our hearts. He knows whether or not we will fulfill what we promise, so His word warns us: ” When you make promise to God, do not belong to fulfill it; for he is not pleased in the foolish. ” Fulfill what you promise. You better not promise; and not promise and do not fulfill.” (Ecclesiastes 5: 4-5).
The Bible says: ” What the wicked fears that will come to him; but to the righteous will be given what they desire.” (Proverbs 10: 24); and add, ” I also I will choose for them, and bring on they what they feared; for I called, and no one answered; I spoke, and they heard not, but they did the wrong thing before my eyes, and chose what displeases me.” (Isaiah 66: 4).
Everything happened to me what I feared; but I thank God who strengthened me and helped me over carrying that burden.
The Lord says in His word that He disciplines the one who loves and whips everyone who receives for son (Hebrews 12). Despite everything, I thank God for he kept me and saved me for glory and honor of his name. For this reason, I can now share this testimony and I can understand those who are going through the same difficulties.
In 1996 I was sentenced again, this time, to 12 years in prison, which God reduced to 6, as God, through a dream, said to me: “If you submit to me I will release you sooner than you can imagine”. I submitted to God and He kept His word as He says in Numbers 23: 19.
Since I got out of jail in 2002, I’ve kept serving the Lord, no matter situations, crisis or problems.
One of my great achievements was graduating from a Chaplain school and a high school as a pastoral counselor. I am currently active in my congregation working in different ministries and instructing myself more in the Word of God.
Reader friend, remember:
“So if anyone is in Christ, a new creature is; old things have passed away; behold all made new.” (2 Corinthians 5: 17)
God bless you!
Stasha Marcinkowski
“Your father abandoned you because you were not worthy. You’re not good enough. You’re dirty. You’re damaged goods. You’ll be a drug addict for the rest of your life. You’ll die with a needle in your arm-and you’ll deserve it because of all the terrible things you’ve done. God doesn’t love you. He doesn’t want you. He will never forgive you.”
For so long, those words and others like them were a constant chorus in my mind. I fought against believing them, but it was hard…
Stasha Marcinkowski

For so long, those words and others like them were a constant chorus in my mind. I fought against believing them, but it was hard. Satan wanted my life, and he used these lies to take me down.
And then one day, I realized his tactics. I recognized him for who he really was-a liar, a deceiver, and most importantly, a defeated foe. How did that happen? I finally realized who God was, and I accepted who I am in Him.
The day I surrendered my life to God and stood tall in my identity as His child was the greatest day of my life. It was a choice that changed everything. But getting to that point wasn’t an easy road.
I was introduced to the Lord at a young age. I used to go to Bible study at Miss Purdue’s house with the kids in my neighborhood. I believed in Jesus, but the older I got, the more I forgot about Him. The trials of life picked away at my childhood faith.
Abandonment by my father, childhood sexual abuse by a close relative, and then the death of my mother-these planted seeds of pain that grew and over took my heart and mind. By the age of 16, I was lost, alone, confused, and angry.
I turned to drugs to mask the reality of my world. I spent most of my teenage years in a drug-induced stupor. My mother had been everything to me-the most important person in the world. When I lost her, I felt like I had nothing left.
The years went by, and I spiraled out of control. One hit of heroin was all I needed to be hooked. After that, my life was no longer my own. My addiction led to numerous felonies. Yet in the midst of my chaos and darkness, I could hear God’s voice calling out to me. “Stasha,” He’d say, “you don’t have to live like this. I want better for you. I can make it better if you just let Me.” But I kept running, kept trying to mask my pain, and kept racking up more felonies.
Ultimately, however, God had a plan, and He used those felonies to save my life and to teach me about His unconditional love and grace. These weren’t always easy lessons.
I discovered I had breast cancer while sitting in jail, waiting for my prison sentence to begin. I had surgery at Orlando Regional Medical Center, and then I was returned to the jail. It was a difficult and humiliating experience, but during this time, I finally looked up. I had exhausted all that the world had to offer. I’d tried everything and everyone to ease my pain. Something had to change.
Once again I heard God’s voice. “Stasha, you don’t have to live like this. I want better for you. I can make it better if you just let me.” This time, I was ready. I gave my life to God, and in that moment, I felt His love wrap around me. I finally knew I wasn’t alone-that I had never been alone.
I was sent to a men’s prison so I could receive chemo treatments for my breast cancer. The men’s facility was the only place with an available cancer treatment.
It was a time of incredible isolation, but it was there I finally drew close to the Great Physician-the One who could heal not only my diseased body but also my broken heart.
I read my Bible and learned about the Lord and His love for me. I spent 18 months in prison, and then I was released. I was sure I was ready to live for Him- certain I’d never go back to drugs. But within three weeks, I was high again.
How? Why? Because of pride.
I thought I had my life all under control. I marched out of that prison so sure of myself, I never once stopped to ask for God’s strength or the support of His people in making a new life. I quickly learned I couldn’t do it on my own. And I crashed.
This failure absolutely defeated me. Convinced God was mad at me, I hung my head low and kept on going on my own. For a whole year, I trudged down my path of destruction. Convinced God had washed His hands of me, I reached a darker place than I had ever been before.
Predictably, I found myself back in prison. And there again, I heard God’s voice. Reminding me of His better way. Inviting me to come back to Him. It wasn’t too late. I hadn’t gone too far.
I returned to God. Once again, I turned from my go-to, destructive ways. But this time, I humbly accepted God’s help and chose to move forward with Him, one step at a time. He led me to some amazing women who loved me and walked the journey with me-in particular, the wonderful people at the Lydia House in Orlando, an outreach of First Baptist Orlando.
God used these precious women to teach me, based on the authority of the Bible, how to break free from the spirit of rejection and abandonment that had held me captive for so long. I learned the importance of forgiving myself and began a process of forgiving those who had hurt me.
I also learned my identity as a child of God. I know now that He calls me His beloved. Worthy. Enough. Clean. Perfect. Forgiven. Useful. The names He gives me are far removed from the ones Satan taunted me with.
This is my story, but it can be yours too. I want you to know that this time around, it can be different. And it can be better. God is calling out to you; He’s telling you too: “You don’t have to live like this. I want better for you. I can make it better; if you just let Me.”
Give it up. Let God make it better. Let Him give you the life He died to give you. Stop running. Stop hiding. Stop covering your pain. You can’t do it on your own-but with Him, you can. All things are possible with Him.
I know that God will give you better if you let Him. He has given me a life I could never have imagined. He has brought real change in me, and He’s given me a family in Him where I am never alone.
He’ll do the same for you.
Stasha Marcinkowski is currently serving God at her home church and experiencing God’s mighty hand in her new lifestyle in Christ Jesus.
“We are alive in Christ – No more are we Rolling Stones.” To God be the glory!