Resurrected Lives to the Glory of God.
Lawrence Walsh
Dennis is the founder and president of a prisoner aftercare organization called “Inmates of the Cross Ministries”. Over the years, I have been fortunate to see Dennis develop an organization that is making a difference in the lives of men and women who are coming out of our jails and prisons. Along with our many state prisons, we have many hundreds of men and women being released from local prisons and jails weekly that desperately need the help that…
Lawrence Walsh

I encourage all those who have a compassion for ex-prisoners and a passion to help them to get behind Inmates of the Cross Ministries and support them whole-heartedly.
Lawrence Walsh
Founder and President
Final Freedom Aftercare, Inc.
Rebecca Bauman
I have seen Inmates of the Cross grow from one tiny little seed into a blessing of a ministry reaching out to prisoners all the way in South America . I have brushed shoulders with men and women at their ministry meetings whose stories astound me. They are more than conquerors and have faced situations, obstacles, and challenges that would break most people. They have allowed God to transform their…
Rebecca Bauman
I have seen Inmates of the Cross grow from one tiny little seed into a blessing of a ministry reaching out to prisoners all the way in South America . I have brushed shoulders with men and women at their ministry meetings whose stories astound me.
They are more than conquerors and have faced situations, obstacles, and challenges that would break most people. They have allowed God to transform their lives and have humbly learned from their mistakes but are still treated poorly by society due to their past yet they continue to press on. This ministry is a haven to them, to their souls. It is a place in a very harsh world that they can find comfort and be reminded that they are loved by someone far greater than you or I. This ministry is one of the most dedicated ministries I have ever come across. Week after week, they are there with an open door and a cup of coffee ready to listen and give a word of encouragement to whomever wanders in. They are always pressing forward, always looking and praying and seeking ways to reach out and help transform these lives. I am blessed to know them, blessed to call Brother Dennis Reid and his wife my friends, and grateful there are people out there like him who remind us all to look past what these fallible mortal eyes of ours see, into the heart that God only knows.
Rebecca Bauman
Inmates of the Cross
Angie Winn
When you first meet Dennis Reid founder of Inmates of the Cross, you can’t help but be overwhelmed with the presence of the Holy Spirit in this leader.
Inmates of the Cross is a ministry that gives hope, not only emotional and spiritual, but provides help overcoming obstacles that ex-prisoners face as they rebuild their lives. Inmates of the Cross is a visible…
Angie Winn
When you first meet Dennis Reid founder of Inmates of the Cross, you can’t help but be overwhelmed with the presence of the Holy Spirit in this leader.
Inmates of the Cross is a ministry that gives hope, not only emotional and spiritual, but provides help overcoming obstacles that ex-prisoners face as they rebuild their lives. Inmates of the Cross is a visible reminder of God’s story of redemption for us all.
Angie Winn
Vice-President of Leadership and Organizational
CNL Financial Group
Sandra Walker
Inmates of the Cross was a God send to me. I was lead to find someone to make the ministry God placed on my heart whole and complete. As I began to talk with Dennis which we met through a mutual friend, God placed a humbling spirit over me which gave me the ability to receive the blessing in which had been praying. Inmates of the Cross has brought Sister Secrets Christian Counseling …
Sandra Walker
Inmates of the Cross was a God send to me. I was lead to find someone to make the ministry God placed on my heart whole and complete. As I began to talk with Dennis which we met through a mutual friend, God placed a humbling spirit over me which gave me the ability to receive the blessing in which had been praying. Inmates of the Cross has brought Sister Secrets Christian Counseling into fruition and stretched our wings to take the counseling into Orange County jail. In there we are able to reach and teach the bible to lost souls and being them to Christ. In being a part of Inmates of the Cross Ministries, I have been exposed to all kinds of people with various backgrounds banding together and pressing on to find lost souls, not only in jails or prisons, but everywhere and bring them to Christ Jesus.
Sandra Walker
Founder / President Sister Secrets Christian Counseling Ministry
“Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.”
Romans 6:4b